Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take Control of Your Future Health and Wealth Now!

"Everybody stumbles across a golden opportunity at least once in a lifetime. Unfortunately most people just pick themselves up, dust themselves down, and walk away from it."

by Winston Churchill
Following upon the words of Winston Churchill, YOUR 'Golden Opportunity' happens Thursday evening, October 16th at 9:15 pm EST! Mark this date on your calendar now.

The past months have been tough for real estate investors and stock market investors alike. Critical mass was reached and we've seen stock markets around the world crash in the past few weeks.

We've watched as our stock portfolios and retirement accounts lost much of their value. We look and wonder, with all this turmoil and all the losses, when and how will I ever be able to afford to retire? How will I provide for my family? Foreclosures are at an all time high, the economy is verging on recession, GM and Chrysler are talking about merging and jobs are being lost across North America.

Take charge of your future NOW!

I invite you to join me on Thursday evening, October 16th at 9:15 pm EST where I will be interviewing my business partners Heshie and Werner who will show you how you can create an enormously successful business and generate a continuous residual stream of weekly income for yourself and your family and become part of our energetic and dynamic team of entrepreneurs.

Heshie is ranked #12 globally as one of this companies' fastest growing business builders.
Werner is the oldest North American to climb Mount Everest as well as the oldest North American to climb the highest peaks on all seven continents! Werner is starring in the upcoming major motion picture 'Back From the Edge".

Starting his climbing experiences at the age of 55, find out what gives Werner not only the health and stamina to make these incredible climbs, but how he creates the wealth that gives him the time freedom and the financial freedom to persue his dreams.

Rarely do I get this excited about an opportunity, but I have to tell you that not only is this one of the best businesses to be in - it just got even better! The company has introduced a bonus program that surpasses anything in the industry!

There is no other way to describe it except by telling you that if you are serious about building a business for yourself and generating a continuous residual income, working with one of the best teams in the industry, then THIS is YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.

Join us on the call on Thursday, October 16th, 2008 at 9:15 pm EST, 8:15 pm. CT, 7:15 pm MT and 6:15 pm PT. Print this information and put it by your telephone today:

Call Date: Thursday, October 16th, 2008
Call Time: 9:15 pm Eastern, 8:15 pm Central, 7:15 pm Mountain and 6:15 pm Pacific
Call Dial In: 218-339-4600
Access Code: 200979

The telephone lines are limited so be sure to call in a few minutes ahead of time. The call will be recorded and a replay line will be available.

See you on the call tonight and get ready to rock and roll your way to success by joining me and becoming a part of our vibrant and dynamic team!

Mary Wozny

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Global Easing In Monetary Policy

In a surprise decision, central banks in the industrialized world announced a coordinated half percentage point easing in monetary policy this morning. The message from all of the central banks was loud and clear: the prospects of significantly slower global growth mean that global infaltions risks are dead.

The coordination and the rate change between regular meetings also infer the urgency of action and the need to restore confidence to the global financial system in the wake of unprecendented turmoil.

The common theme in the wording of the central banks statements was that "inflation expectations are diminishing ... the financial crisis has augmented the downside risks to growth and thus has diminished further upside risk to price stability." The Fed notes that 'economic activity has slowed markedly...the intensification of the financial market turmoil is likely to exert additional restraint on spending partly by reducing the abililty to obtain credit.

It's apparent that an easing in monetary policy was needed on a global basis. Expectation is that further rate cuts of a further 50 basis points are in the pipeline and will be announced at the Fed and the Bank of Canada upcoming rate announcements on October 29 and 21 respectively.


Mary Wozny

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Opportunities In An "Economic Pearl Harbor"

In Omaha, Neb. today, billionaire investor Warren Buffett said the nation has been hit with an “economic Pearl Harbor,” and the government must respond quickly.

Mr. Buffett talked about the nation's ongoing financial woes in an appearance on the The Charlie Rose Show that aired Wednesday night on PBS stations.

“This really is an economic Pearl Harbor,” Mr. Buffett said. “That sounds melodramatic, but I've never used that phrase before. And this really is one.”

He went on to state that in his opinion the nation's economic problems are already starting to be felt by furniture and jewellery stores such as the ones owned by his company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

The billionaire predicts that the rest of the Main Street economy will start to have problems if the government's financial bailout plan doesn't pass Congress soon.

“In my adult lifetime, I don't think I've ever seen people as fearful economically as they are now,” the 78-year-old Mr. Buffett said.

The fear in the marketplace has allowed Mr. Buffett to make several sizable investments over the past month in proven companies that needed cash quickly. And Berkshire, which had $31.2-billion (U.S.) cash on hand at the end of June, was ready to invest because, as Mr. Buffett says, he always tries to be greedy when others are fearful.

Following Berkshire's purchase last week of $5-billion in preferred Goldman Sachs shares, Berkshire announced it would be purchasing $3-billion of preferred share of General Electric Co.
Mr. Buffett said he was approached about the GE investment Wednesday morning by someone at Goldman. And Mr. Buffett quickly decided to invest in GE because he's familiar with the company and confident in its long-term prospects.

This goes to show us that capitalism is alive and well in the US. Prudent investors looking for long term real estate investments can capitalize on todays markets and build their portfolios for the future. As crazy as it may sound to some, now is the time to be purchasing discounted real estate using long term strategies for buy and hold.

Mortgage rates are on the rise again making now the time to lock in your investment financing at attractive rates.


Mary Wozny

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Canadian Housing Market - Boom or Bust?

In a talk with the Ontario Economic Council, U.S. economist Robert Shiller states Canada's housing market has been following a similar boom-and-bust path as that seen in the United States, but fundamental differences between the two leave Canada less exposed to the U.S.-style fallout.

“There have been booms in some Canadian cities – Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver – but maybe [prices] are weakening or actually falling, at least in those boom cities,” he said, noting that the pattern somewhat resembles that seen in many U.S. and foreign markets over the past few years.

He does suggest that the relatively small use of subprime mortgages in Canada should mean the damage in this country will be much less severe.

“There's a difference. We [in the United States] have had a subprime revolution that I don't think took place, to the same extent at least, in Canada.”

Mr. Shiller said a bailout of the seized-up banking sector is an essential first step to cleaning up the mess left by the U.S. housing bubble, but it needs to be followed by financial innovations to support troubled home owners.

“Once we fix the leaky roof, we need to take a look at the foundations,” Mr. Shiller told the summit.

The professor – author of the book Irrational Exuberance and recognized expert on asset bubbles and the housing market – said U.S. legislators must act on the liquidity crunch that is gripping the banks in order to avoid a much longer-lasting economic stagnation. He believes Congress must reverse its decision to reject the proposed $700-billion (U.S.) troubled asset relief program (TARP), despite public anger over what many view as a handout to rich and reckless investors.

“The TARP program is really essential to enact,” he said. “The general public doesn't appreciate the severity of the crisis, and the threat it poses to their jobs and livelihood.”

He further noted that the research conducted on the Great Depression by none other than Ben Bernanke – now the head of the Federal Reserve Board and one of TARP's key architects – has found that a tied-up, illiquid banking system was a major contributor to the extraordinary depth and length of the Depression.

“When you don't have a banking system, you can't do business,” he said.

“We can't think that we want to teach people a lesson,” he said, suggesting that the blame for the housing bubble extends beyond bankers, lawmakers and regulators.

“It was erroneous thinking,” he said, blaming the bubble on a mass cultural shift in its mentality toward investing and housing.

“We've become more an investor culture – make a quick buck,” he said. “People got themselves convinced that home prices could only go up.”

Mr. Shiller's new book, Subprime Solution, came out Sept. 1 – just before a month of ground-shaking upheavals on Wall Street. The book's longer-term prescription for the U.S. housing market would involve help for distressed homeowners as well as major changes to the way the residential mortgage market functions.

“Financial innovation only comes in times of crisis,” he said. “We need to think of our financial institutions in a constructive and innovative way.”

His ideas include a permanent and ongoing system for automatically adjusting mortgage payment terms in times of economic shocks; government-subsidized independent financial advisory services; and new risk-management products that would allow homeowners to manage their long-term risk exposure to home prices, employment income and economic growth.
“In my book, I emphasize bailing out homeowners because they are the ones being hurt most,” he said. “But first, we have to deal with the banking system.”

Meanwhile, former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge joined the chorus of experts who believe U.S. legislators must solve their impasse over a rescue package for the troubled banking sector.

“The U.S. banking system needs to be recapitalized. Ben [Bernanke] understands that as well as anyone,” he said.

“How that is going to be done is another question.” Mr. Dodge made the statement during a break at the summit, a three-day Ontario Chamber of Commerce event that he is co-chairing.


Mary Wozny